Sole Dosi: In this industry, we can succeed by supporting each other, working with honesty, and sharing a passion for music.
We are happy to welcome our new guest, Sole Dosi!

Raised by techno collectives, Sole Dosi is a multidisciplinary artist characterized by a selection of Ambient, Deep techno music which includes references from Hardgroove Techno, Detroit, Trance, Breakbeat, and Electro.
In record time, the talent of the Italian DJ & Producer has been recognized around the world, hypnotizing audiences in many shows, including awe-inspiring performances at 909 Festival, Qloom x Tresor and Tempio del Futuro Perduto.

We talked to Sole Dosi about her new release "Flowers On Fire" and other projects! Enjoy!

Welcome to Rave Me Hard, Sole Dosi! "Flowers On Fire" EP has been described as showcasing the evolution of your sound. Can you tell us more about this journey and how your music has transformed over the years?

Sole Dosi:
Let’s say it contains a small part of my sound evolution, production like "Flowers On Fire" and "Hardy Laugh" are more minimal, with many references to French music of the 70s and punk rock of the 80s and 90s. While "Am I Dreaming" is more hardgroove and raw, it belongs to a sound you can find more recently in my sets. By the way, despite two years have passed, I am still very much attached to my old productions and still feel them as current.
Your EP includes a remix from the legendary Dutch producer Secret Cinema. How did this collaboration come about, and what was it like working with someone who has inspired you?
Sole Dosi:
Absurdly beautiful. Secret Cinema has always been a great inspiration for my productions and when I took the courage to send him my EP, I never thought he would answer me. Instead, to my great surprise he confessed that my music had brought him out of a very dark moment in his life. And indeed if I hear his remix of "Hardy Laugh" I feel a rebirth.
Your label, Dropzi Records, focuses on the Hardgroove sound and supports emerging artists. What motivated you to start this label, and what do you look for in artists you bring on board?
Sole Dosi:
The fact that in the hardgroove scene there are very closed environments that do not give space to new talents. every day I had a request from very talented artists who asked me how to start their career in music or sent me music. In addition, me and Paula, my partner in this label, wanted to give Milan an event of our own, organized as we wanted to based on the influences we had perceived in events around the world. At the first event we suffered many injustices from people who pretended to support us and then try to steal our format without carrying forward our own principles, Luckily though karma exists and we found support in the perfect location for us in Milan, Tempio Del Futuro Perduto.
We are very happy because this year we will also have a showcase at ADE.
Somehow we want to show others and ourselves that in this industry you can work by supporting each other, with honesty and passion for music.
You’ve mentioned influences ranging from minimal and breakbeat to 70’s punk music from France. How do these diverse genres find their way into your music, and how do you balance these influences in your tracks? And If you could remix any classic track from the 70s punk era with your own electronic twist, which one would it be and why?
Sole Dosi:
All my life I always wanted to create my own electronic version of my favorite tracks, and it’s undeniable that when I started playing it became a necessity. From there I started to do some rehearsals by taking six samples and adapting the drums and adding the right bass line. In the case of the Edit of "One of these days" by Pink Floyd, some instruments were played live. A new punk track from the 70s that I will edit is definitely "Love will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division.
Can you share a bit about your creative process when producing a new track? Do you have any rituals or routines that help you get into the zone?
Sole Dosi:
I always start from a list of reference tracks and I take note of sounds that I want to be inspired by for a new track, then I try to reproduce them or find similar ones and the thing that I like is that I actually try to get away from there more and more to the starting point to create something new never heard.
Imagine you’re stuck on a deserted island and can only bring three pieces of your studio gear. What would you bring and how would you rock the island?
Sole Dosi:
Well, it may sound like a very Gen Z answer, but of course my first DDJ400 controller, the computer and small speakers, So I could play anywhere without carrying too much weight! And it would be fun! I mean in the end on the computer I would have all the tools for production so I would say that is definitely the essential for that situation.
Looking ahead, what are your biggest dreams and goals for your music career?
Sole Dosi:
Oh, I have so many. Definitely produce music of different genres, but with my recognizable signature is certainly the goal from which I started and that I always have in mind. At the DJing level, playing in the biggest festivals around the world, especially those in nature, are my favorite ones! Another great goal that I continue to cultivate is a real and healthy community of people who love my music, and can feel understood and travel through it.

Editor: Olly Kuskova

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