Sahaf: My new EP, "Middle East Power," is a reflection of my authentic self

We are happy to chat with an excellent talent, Sahaf!

Sahaf is Egyptian artist based in Zürich. He started performing in the European Techno Scene back in 2012. He is known for his mixture of driven Techno sound and oriental Vibes.
Sahaf has been signed to a number of known profile labels including DSR Digital, Riot Recordings, Renesanz and many others.

We talked to the techno gem about his upcoming releases "Middle East Power" on Rave Me Hard and other projects. Read more below!

Could you take us back to the beginning of your music journey? How did you first become interested in becoming a DJ and producer, and what steps did you take to pursue your passion?
My music journey began with a deep love for diverse genres and the transformative power of music. At the age of 18, I discovered my passion for DJing, leading to my first gig and residency at a local club in Dahab, Egypt. This marked the beginning of my career in the music industry. In 2009, I began attending workshops and honing my production skills. In 2012, I achieved a major milestone with my first release on Balthazar & Jackrock's Renesanz label, further fueling my drive to develop my production techniques and sound by releasing music on various labels.

Pursuing audio engineering studies allowed me to refine my craft and further enhance my skills. Relocating to Zürich, Switzerland, presented me with an opportunity to perform at the renowned club OXA, where I seamlessly blended oriental elements with energetic Techno vibes, creating an electrifying atmosphere. This experience not only amplified my passion for pushing boundaries but also opened doors to perform at other German and Swiss clubs. Throughout my journey, I remain dedicated to evolving as an artist and making a lasting impact on the music industry.
Every artist has their unique musical roots and influences. Can you tell us about the artists, genres, or experiences that have shaped your artistic style and sound?
My artistic style and sound are shaped by a combination of influences. The captivating works of Egyptian classics like Umm Kalthoum and Omar Khairat have deeply impacted my music, evoking emotions and inspiring me to infuse my compositions with depth and passion. Alongside these influences, the dynamic world of Techno artists such as Amelie Lens, Ellen Allien and Slam inspiring me with their innovative sound design and high-energy tracks. By merging these diverse influences, I aim to create a unique fusion that reflects my musical roots while expressing my own artistic voice.
Can you tell us about your new EP, “Middle East Power“? What inspired you to create this EP and what is the overall theme or message behind it?
My new EP, "Middle East Power," is a reflection of my authentic self, blending Arabic elements, motivational vocals, and energetic techno grooves. Inspired by the rich cultural heritage of the Middle East, the EP showcases my identity and invites listeners on a sonic journey. Through the fusion of authentic Arabic sounds, uplifting vocals, and driving techno rhythms, the EP delivers a message of unity and empowerment. It celebrates the power of music to transcend boundaries, uplifting and inspiring listeners to embrace their own journey of self-discovery and cultural appreciation.
"Middle East Power" seems to have a unique blend of cultural influences and electronic music. How did you approach incorporating Middle Eastern sounds into the track, and what motivated you to explore this fusion?
The process of incorporating Middle Eastern sounds into "Middle East Power" was driven by a combination of inspiration and experimentation. While on holiday in the desert side of Egypt, I immersed myself in the rich cultural landscape and searched for authentic Arabic vocals and instruments that captured the essence of the desert. This exploration led me to discover unique sound elements that resonated with the cultural heritage of the region.
As an artist, how do you continue to evolve and push boundaries in your music? What steps do you take to challenge yourself?
As an artist, I believe in embracing growth and pushing the boundaries of my music. To continually challenge myself creatively, I actively seek inspiration from various sources, exploring new sounds, techniques, and genres. This allows me to bring fresh elements into my compositions and evolve my artistic expression.
The music industry is constantly evolving, with new trends and technologies emerging. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest developments and incorporate them into your music, while still maintaining your unique artistic identity?
To keep up with the evolving music industry, I actively stay informed about the latest trends and technologies. While incorporating these developments into my music, I ensure that my unique artistic identity remains intact. By carefully assessing how these advancements can enhance my creativity while staying true to myself.
Music has the power to connect with people on a deep level. What do you hope your listeners take away from your music, particularly from your latest tracks "Personal Space" and "Middle East Power".
"Personal Space" and "Middle East Power" are two tracks that hold their own unique significance. In "Personal Space," the focus is on delivering a meaningful message through emotive vocals, complemented by hard-hitting drums and 90's rave synths. It inspires introspection and personal reflection.
On the other hand, "Middle East Power" is a track that celebrates the rich cultural heritage of the Middle East, particularly through its infusion of authentic Arabic classical sounds. The vocals in this track reflect the beauty and poetic elements of Arabic poetry, known as "Mawal".
Both tracks aim to create a profound connection, whether through personal reflection or cultural appreciation, offering listeners a journey that resonates on a deep level.
And to wrap it up, a random question from us - If you could switch lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be and why?
While I couldn't imagine switching my life with a fictional character, I find deep admiration for real-life individuals like Dr. Zahi Hawass, the renowned Egyptologist. His dedication to unraveling ancient history and preserving Egypt's cultural heritage is truly inspiring. If given the chance, I would be honored to experience a day in Dr. Hawass' world, exploring archaeological sites, unraveling the secrets of the past, and sharing the wonders of ancient Egypt with the world.

Editor: Olly Kuskova

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