MRIYA: I view each set as a storytelling opportunity

Welcome to Rave Me Hard, where we dive deep into the world of electronic music! Today, we are thrilled to introduce Mriya, the electrifying techno DJ hailing from Ukraine. With an unwavering passion for electronic music and an innate understanding of the captivating power of techno, Mriya has rapidly emerged as a formidable presence in the global techno scene.

As we sit down with Mriya, we'll delve into her musical journey, her influences, and the profound impact that techno has had on her life. Prepare to be inspired as we uncover the secrets behind Mriya's captivating sound and learn how she navigates the ever-evolving landscape of electronic music.

Hey Mriya, it’s a pleasure to have you here at Rave Me Hard! How’s everything going?

Hey! Everything going great, thanks for asking. Finally relaxing from a long day and packing to head off home tomorrow after the event in Alicante, and a bit later after that Lisbon to play at Ministerium club.
We heard that your love for techno began to take shape as you immersed yourself in the local underground scene. What aspects of the local underground scene drew you in and shaped your musical style, leading to your love for techno?
The raw energy and avant-garde atmosphere of the local underground scene deeply influenced and shaped my musical style, fostering my passion for techno, as well as my love for experimental music and ambient sounds.
Can you tell us a bit about your decision to change your artist name from 'Podryzhanya' to 'Mriya'? What inspired the change and what does your new name mean to you?
The decision to change my artist name from 'Podryzhanya' to 'Mriya' was driven by several factors. Firstly, 'Podryzhanya' was difficult to pronounce, lengthy, and lacked any meaningful connection to my identity. The name change to 'Mriya' was a perfect solution, as it beautifully represents both who I am and my origin.

'Mriya' is a Ukrainian word that translates to 'dream' in English. This name holds immense significance to me as it reflects my aspirations, my creative vision, and my deep connection to my homeland. It encapsulates the essence of my music, which is to evoke emotions, transport listeners to dreamlike realms, and inspire them to pursue their own dreams.

The change to 'Mriya' not only provides a more memorable and accessible identity for my audience, but it also aligns with my artistic evolution and personal journey. It's a name that resonates with me on a profound level and encapsulates the essence of my artistry and the messages I strive to convey through my music.
Congratulations on your upcoming vinyl release that comes out this June! Can you tell us more about the inspiration and creative process behind your first-ever release? What can listeners expect to hear from this project?
Thank you! Inspiration comes to me effortlessly. I don't actively seek it. It arises spontaneously from within and from various life experiences. Trusting in its natural flow has allowed me to embrace the unexpected and approach creativity with an open mind.

I have a strong fixation on achieving the desired sound and conveying musical meaning. Initially, this had its pros and cons. On one hand, it allowed me to take full ownership of my accomplishments. On the other hand, it sometimes hindered progress as I could have utilized shortcuts or sought guidance from YouTube tutorials. Despite their availability, I preferred careful listening and analysis of music to understand its creation process. Moreover, the depth of experience in a specific genre greatly influences the effectiveness of one's perception.

People who follow me and have attended some of my events have already had a chance to hear these tracks and their reactions have been invaluable to me.
I really wish people didn't have expectations. On the contrary, through music people can get to know me better and the energy I want to bring to the world is included in these tracks.
You're known for your ability to blend hypnotic melodies, driving basslines, and pounding rhythms in your sets. How do you approach the art of mixing, and what do you feel sets your style apart from others in the genre?
When it comes to the art of mixing, my approach is centered around crafting immersive and captivating experiences for the audience. I view each set as a storytelling opportunity, where I carefully curate a seamless progression of tracks that build and evolve, taking listeners on a sonic journey.

Additionally, I believe that the art of mixing extends beyond technical skills. It's about understanding the energy of the crowd and responding intuitively to their needs. I observe and connect with the audience, allowing their energy to guide my track selection and transitions. This dynamic interaction between myself and the crowd adds an element of spontaneity and ensures a truly memorable experience.

In essence, my approach to mixing is a delicate blend of meticulous track selection, seamless transitions, and an intuitive understanding of the crowd. It's this combination that allows me to carve out a unique space in the genre and create a sonic experience that leaves a lasting impression.
You've already played at some prestigious clubs in the world. Is there a particular venue or festival that you've always dreamed of performing at, and why?
There are so many clubs, cities and festivals that I would love to play at, the world is so big and so are my dreams!
As a rising artist, what are some of the biggest obstacles you are facing in the music industry currently, and do you have any advice for other aspiring artists who are trying to make a name for themselves?
I would like to be brief in this answer.
You have to work hard and not give up in order to get any results. But at the same time, you have to be able to relax and enjoy life and the "Journey". It is all about balance.
Thanks so much for chatting with us Mriya! Is there anything else you would like to share?
Thank you sincerely for the opportunity to chat with you! It has been an absolute pleasure sharing my experiences and thoughts with you. Your support and interest mean a lot to me as an artist. I'm grateful for the chance to connect with your audience and share my passion for music. Keep spreading the love for electronic music, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.

I would like to share my mix that I recorded for Gasoline Radio.

Editor: Anastasiia Ryzhova

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