Hears Earplugs:
Experience Music Safely with Unmatched Clarity and Style
We're very much excited to have Bob Verlaat, the inspirational Founder of Hears Earplugs, on our platform today!

Hears is an innovative brand that believes in inspiring sound experiences and meaningful connections. With their cutting-edge earplug technology, Hears is transforming how we listen to music and engage in social settings.

Join us for a thought-provoking conversation with Bob on the future of sound, the innovative journey of Hears Earplugs, and their mission to protect hearing while providing immersive music experiences.
Can you walk us through the development process of Hears earplugs? How did this all happen?
Bob Verlaat:
It was a complex journey that took us two years. We aimed to create something that was not only aesthetically amazing but also delivered high-quality sound through innovative filter technology.The result is a filter that is unique in the market, offering unparalleled sound quality for universal earplugs.
It sounds like you put a lot of work into earplugs suitable for artists. Why is that important?
Bob Verlaat:
Absolutely. Many artists struggle to find customizable earplugs that don’t distort sound. Their hearing is essential for their job, so protecting it is crucial. We've worked to make wearing earplugs as normal as wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun. We need to normalize ear protection, especially for those constantly exposed to loud music.
Do you offer customizable projects for big artists or brands?
Bob Verlaat:
Yes, we do. We’ve recently entered the market and aim to collaborate with cool brands and artists. For instance, if a big artist would like a custom design, we could accommodate that. Our team, thanks to our connections in the music industry, can help us reach out and create custom editions that align with the artist’s or brand’s style.
How do you handle manufacturing, and where are the earplugs produced?
Bob Verlaat:
Our earplugs are manufactured close to Barcelona, but the intricate process of placing the filters happens in Romania. This special process ensures each earplug meets high acoustic standards. After production, the earplugs are tested manually for quality before they enter the market.
Can your products be purchased worldwide?
Bob Verlaat:
Yes, our logistics and fulfillment are set up for worldwide delivery. Anyone can order our earplugs online.
Do you have plans for physical stores or pop-up shops?
Bob Verlaat:
While vending machines and pop-up shops at festivals are possibilities we're exploring, our primary focus is on our online store at the moment, as we've recently launched.
What exciting collaborations do you have lined up?
Bob Verlaat:
We have several exciting collaborations in the pipeline, but I can’t disclose all the details yet. We aim to partner with top brands in the industry, which will help us gain visibility and credibility.
How have you found the response to your product so far?
Bob Verlaat:
The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. People appreciate the quality and functionality of our earplugs. It’s heartening to receive messages from users who are pleased with their purchase.
What challenges did you face during the production of Hears earplugs?
Bob Verlaat:
Finding the right partners was challenging because hearing protection is a complex field. We needed the right licenses and certifications to ensure our product was safe and effective. It was a meticulous process, but we now have all the necessary approvals and are confident in the quality of our earplugs.
If you could launch Hears as a fashion brand in any era, when would it be?
Bob Verlaat:
That's an interesting question. If not now, I’d choose the 80s. The bright colors and modern aesthetic of that era would fit well with our brand’s style. Or maybe a futuristic-based one would also look really awesome.
Do you have any final thoughts or messages for our readers?
Bob Verlaat:
We believe in the importance of hearing protection and want to make it mainstream across various industries. While our earplugs are designed for both artists and fans to enjoy music safely, we are also excited about expanding into other areas such as for sleeping and focus, but also other events known for their high decibel levels as sports, car racing, and more. Our goal is to provide high-quality hearing protection for a wide range of activities and environments, ensuring everyone can benefit from our innovative solutions.

Editor: Olly Kuskova

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