Anastasia: everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed in the industry, regardless of their level of experience
Rave Me Hard is thrilled to welcome the co-founder for a little talk. Please, welcome, Anastasia!

Anastasia is a PR & Artist manager currently based in Barcelona, Spain. Working in the industry for the past two years, she has gained a bunch of exciting insights that she is happy to share with you.

Let's dig right into that!
Hi Anastasia! How are you doing today? Can you please introduce yourself for our readers.
Hii there!

I am doing great, love, thank you :) So I have been working in the music industry for the past 2 years, and I am mostly focused on PR & Artist Management. However, I have also managed a few record labels and had a role as A&R for some time. I have always had a dream of having my own business and being able to help more emerging artists and share my expertise with them. So finally, my partner in crime, Olly, and I decided to open a creative agency & label called Rave Me Hard.
Can you tell us a little bit about Rave Me Hard and what inspired you to start the company?
Rave Me Hard is a multifaceted company that encompasses a creative agency, a magazine focused on electronic music, and a record label that specializes in techno and hard techno. The company also provides services such as artist guidance and consulting, as well as PR for electronic music artists. In addition to its professional services, at Rave Me Hard we have also created a community of electronic music lovers on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Soundcloud. The company was inspired by our passion for the industry in general and our desire to create a space where both emerging and established artists could receive support and guidance while also connecting with a community of like-minded individuals.Well it’s been along time since then but as lots of other people, I’ve been partying for years and eventually realized that I wanna be the DJ and not in front of the DJ. Regarding my productions, once you get more into music production, you see no your way out of here haha
What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced as a PR and artist manager in the electronic dance music industry?
One of the biggest challenges is the highly competitive nature of the industry. With so many talented artists and DJs vying for attention, it can be difficult to cut through the noise and get noticed. Another challenge is staying on top of the latest trends and technologies, as the electronic dance music industry is constantly evolving and changing. It can also be a bit hard sometimes to balance the needs and desires of the artists with the demands of the industry, such as the need to meet deadlines, budgets, and expectations of fans and other stakeholders. Also, there can be a high level of stress associated with managing the careers of artists, especially in terms of scheduling, touring, and dealing with the pressure of producing new music and maintaining a positive public image.

Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented a unique set of challenges for the electronic music industry. With live events and concerts canceled, many artists and PR managers have had to adapt quickly to new realities, such as virtual events and livestreams. Despite these challenges, the electronic music industry is once again alive and thriving, with many artists and managers finding new and creative ways to engage with fans and promote their music. Which I am personally super happy about 

How do you select the artists and DJs that you work with at Rave Me Hard? Are there any specific qualities or characteristics you look for in potential collaborators?
Sure, at Rave Me Hard, we work with both beginner and established artists and DJs. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed in the electronic music industry, regardless of their level of experience. When selecting potential collaborators, we look for artists who are passionate about their craft, dedicated to their art, and willing to put in the hard work required to succeed in a highly competitive industry. We also look for artists who are open to guidance and willing to work collaboratively with us to develop their careers. Ultimately, we aim to provide each artist with a personalized plan tailored to their unique strengths and goals, to help them reach their full potential and achieve success in the electronic music industry.
How do you stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the electronic dance music scene?
In the fast-paced world of electronic dance music, it's important for professionals to stay informed about the latest developments. One way to do this is by attending industry events such as conferences, workshops, and music festivals, where you can network with other professionals and share the latest news and trends, like ADE or International Music Summit in Ibiza. Following industry publications, blogs, and social media accounts is another way to stay up-to-date with the freshest tendencies. Finally, I think it's also a great idea to take courses and training programs to delve more deeply into your own specialty, whether it be PR, booking, artist management, or anything else.
What advice would you give to up-and-coming DJs and producers looking to make a name for themselves in the industry?
I guess first of all I would advise to focus on building a strong personal brand and establishing a strong online presence. This can be achieved by creating unique and high-quality music that stands out, utilizing social media platforms like Instagram and SoundCloud to promote your work and connect with fans, and collaborating with other artists and producers to expand your creative horizons.

In addition to building a strong personal brand, it's extremely important to build relationships with other professionals in the industry, such as DJs, music producers, label executives, booking agents, promoters, etc. Networking and collaborating with these professionals can help you gain exposure, build your reputation, and open up new opportunities for growth and success.

Another key piece of advice would be to stay focused on your goals and keep pursuing them, even in the face of challenges or setbacks. The electronic music industry is highly competitive, and building a successful career can take time and hard work. But by staying dedicated to your craft and continually pushing yourself to improve, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your dreams. : )

Looking ahead to the future, what are some of the goals and aspirations you have for yourself? And as for Rave Me Hard, where do you see the company going in the next few years?
As a PR professional working in the electronic music industry, my goals and aspirations for the future are focused on continuing to provide exceptional service to our clients at Rave Me Hard and expanding our reach within the industry. Specifically, I would like to see us continue to grow our roster of artists and DJs, while also building stronger relationships with labels, promoters, and other industry professionals.

I also believe it's important for us to stay on the cutting edge of new technology and trends within the industry, and to continually adapt and evolve our services to meet the changing needs of our clients. This may involve exploring new marketing strategies, leveraging emerging social media platforms, or experimenting with new formats for content creation.

Ultimately, my goal is to see Rave Me Hard becoming one of the most respected and sought-after PR and artist management firms on the market. By staying focused on delivering exceptional results for our clients, building strong relationships with industry partners, and staying ahead of the curve when it comes to trends, I am confident that we can achieve this goal and continue to grow and thrive in the years to come. 🌚🌝

Editor: Olly Kuskova

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